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A member registered Dec 28, 2019

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Maybe this will help:
Open "Control Panel", then " All Control Panel Items".
Select "Folder Options", then open the "View" tab.
Uncheck "Use checkboxes for selected items".
Click "Apply" and "OK".

Cool mod! I recommend you to put your mod in Discord.

(1 edit)

To do this you will need the XUnity.AutoTranslator.  Link: There you will find all the information about the program and can download the program itself. I will write instructions for installing and using the program here:

1. Download XUnity.AutoTranslator-ReiPatcher {VERSION}.zip

2. Extract directly into the game directory, such that "SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe" is placed alongside other exe files.

3. Launch SetupReiPatcherAndAutoTranslator.exe.

4. Run the shortcut created by the program {GameExeName} (Patch and Run).

5. After the first start of the game, the program must create {GameDirectory}\AutoTranslator\Config.ini.
In this file replace:

Language="your language" (which language to translate to)
FromLanguage=en (the language in the game)

OverrideFont= (is responsible for replacing fonts, an example OverrideFont=Corbel Bold Italic)

6. Game is ready. Game can be run via the main exe.

AutoTranslator Controls:

ALT + 0: Toggle XUnity AutoTranslator UI. (That's a zero, not an O)

ALT + 1: Toggle Translation Aggregator UI.

ALT + T: Alternate between translated and untranslated versions of all texts provided by this plugin.

ALT + R: Reload translation files. Useful if you change the text and texture files on the fly. Not guaranteed to work for all textures.

ALT + U: Manual hooking. The default hooks wont always pick up texts. This will attempt to make lookups manually. Will not hook text components from frameworks not enabled.

ALT + F: If OverrideFont is configured, will toggle between overridden and default font.

ALT + Q: Reboot the plugin if it was shutdown. This will only work if the plugin was shut down due to consecutive errors towards the translation endpoint. Should only be used if you have reason to believe you have remedied the problem (such as changed VPN endpoint etc.) otherwise it will just shut down again.

1. Grabs everything indiscriminately or does not capture the entire text.
Problem with the plugin.

2. The plugin didn't pick up the game.
Turn off the folder attribute "read-only" and repeat from 3 point.

Edit: An incorrect translation can be corrected in {GameDirectory}\AutoTranslator\Translation\"your language"\Text\_AutoGeneratedTranslations.txt

(3 edits)

Hello. This is my Apocalypse Mod. It transforms the planet as if there is a nuclear Apocalypse on the planet, and now the survivors must create a new civilization on the ruins of the old one.

Here's download link

(2 edits)

Hello. Its probably late, but I upgrade the Metal Mod to version

Here's download link